Opening with Chloe and Lois (hawt) doin' karaoke. I hate karaoke. And I hate that song "I love rock 'n' roll." But anyway, Clark and Alicia (Sarah Carter, also hawt) walk in and everything goes dead silent. Keep in mind that Alicia is an attempted murderer and that Clark's dating her. Well it can't be helped that everyone stares. A really really great uncomfortable silence. It was just fantastic.
Poor Alicia gets fingered at for attempted murders on Lana and Jason, because the would-be murderer somehow gets in and out without a trace. Woohoo! I know the chick is/was nuts, but she's really sweet. And really really insecure. I was thinking to myself: "Please don't let it be her."
Later on it became: "It can't be her. It's a sure-fire red herring."
And I was right. Psycho named Tim who has the hots for Lois (HAWWWT) is responsible. His powers are similar, except he dissipates into molecules that can fly around. Wonder what he's made of. He uppercuts Clark pretty good. POW!
Gettin' ahead of myself though.
So back to Alicia... Everyone thinks she's guilty. Including Clark. Oh well.
But then...
TIM KILLS HER! Bastard HANGS HER from her barn door!!! MOTHERFUCKER!
Lois has it figured out, having gone on a date with Tim (don't ask) and runs in to tell Clark as poor Clarkie finds Alicia's body (she was hawwwt :( ).
Clark somehow gets away from Lois to confront Tim. OK fight, but Clark really needs to punch someone really hard some time. He's always the one who gets punched. Anyway, it ends with Clark nearly strangling Tim.
I'm thinkin': "BREAK HIM! BREAK HIM!!!"
*sigh* Of course you know that won't happen, but they have to bring Lois in to stop him.
Let's also not forget that...
CHLOE KNOWS CLARK'S SECRET! Thank Alicia for that. Chloe sees Clark catch a car and speed (read: run impossibly-for-a-human fast) off.
Other notes: They really need to jazz up Clark's wardrobe. Tonight, I really noticed that he's almost always wearin' the same red and white checked flannel and the navy blue jacket, or the blue T-shirt with the red (!!!; as in capelike) jacket. Who the hell wears a bright red jacket? Let's not fix him to the Superman stereotype too soon! Well, y'know what I mean... yeah, ok. And get a f*n haircut, Clark! Long hair looks good on me, not you!
Review: 8/10
Much better'n the last episode. However, I will miss Sarah Carter in this series.
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