Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The CW Logs, Installment 1

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the Creative Writing Logs to my blog. The CW Logs are written conversations that Jenah Jones and I have in class so to not piss off the teacher. Here is the first typed out installment:

* - Me
* - Jenah

You have nice boobs. I think I'm gon' nipple twist you.
Daniel's friend Landen was kinda drunk one night and got on a kick about my boobs. He thinks I'm a big C. Shows what he knows. I'm not. But you're lucky you're a good friend of mine buddy. :)
Can I cop a feel?
Does that need an answer?
So that's a yes?
I think if Daniel saw this he'd want to kick your ass.
He's not going to see this. Duh!
You're so bad, you know that? What other girl would be talking to you about coping a feel?
Copping a feel. Probably that one. HAHAHAHAHAA!
Which one? Oh that one across the way. But she wants you. I don't need you I've got my own guy that can cop a feel whenever he likes.
Awww, now you're teasing me. A feel is just a feel. But I'm still gon' nipple twist you.
I don't think so. Daniel got kicked in the balls last time he did that to me.
You're not fast enough.
I'll catch you off guard.
Meh, not like I haven't been kicked before.
True. True. I can find something worse. You're pushing it dude. My boobs are not for your hands sir. :)
SURE they are XD
Ha Ha Ha! You crack me up. Why would you even begin to think that? Find some other boobs to grope.
But I like yours. They are so nice and shapely.
Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment. But still. No. Go away. :)
YOU KNOW you like it!!!
It's funny. I can't help but laugh at this whole thing.
So what? Nothin' I can do about it I guess.
You could let me cop a feel.
No. Go away :S
No evil faces. Evil Nick, be gone. Come back sweet Nick.
Sweet Nick is a mask. 8)
No! Sweet Nick is real. He's just the twin in the attic. Give him back.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.
I'm not kidding :-p
:-p (.)(.)
You have now gone to a brand new low, Nick. A BRAND new low.
Meh. I COULD go lower. GO SING!
I don't sing in public, sir.
But you'll let me cop a feel in public, right?
You know what. The only time you'll ever get to cop a feel is if I'm intoxicated and since I'm never intoxicated around you, you'll never get to cop a feel.
Sure I will.

New topic (but I'll still nipple twist you). The guy in front is SUCH the fag.
Ya, I know. Either that or he's just eccentric as all get out which is a possibility.
Look at his fagtastic, fagalistic, fagamuffin tied back hair!
Ya, I see it. I see it everyday. That's why he needs his hat back. But yes, he's prolly gay. Does that bother you?
Just goes to show that I'm always right. That means I will get to cop a feel.
And we're back to the copping. New subject!
But you have nice BOOBIES.
Thank you. I appreciate the compliment Remind me to wear potato sacks around you from now on.
Nah, just get a squeeze bra.
I had one but it broke.
Steal one.
Why? I could buy another if I wanted to at work. Will I? Maybe, maybe not.
SURELY. That girl in front bugs me. She's too ugly for a boyfriend.
Too ugly for a boyfriend? Her boyfriend may think she's beautiful.
Then he's brain damaged.
Aw. That's horrible. But you're picky and not a good judge of beauty.
You're not! A woman has to be perfect to be consdered beautiful in your opinion.
No she doesn't. The girl I'm most interested in now... ISN'T.
Really? Who is it?
---name omitted for privacy---
Don't know her. Work or school?
---cut to maintain MY privacy---
The one you asked out?
Indeed. No biggie.

I did grab Jenah's nipple after class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to go on record here and say it's a DAMN good thing you and I are such good friends Nick or you would be missing vital parts of your anatomy. Thank you.