Monday, February 19, 2007

This Korean guy was on "Deal or No Deal" and unless this is all just a big publicity stunt, karma is REAL.

The guy's family came to the US with only 750 bucks and raised a family to success. Final numbers were $75, $750, and $750,000. The offer made to him was $211,000. The case he chose was case #8. Anyway, at the end of all that, he had 3 cases, and was debating on to choose to take the deal or to go on further. He wisely took the deal, and they looked at the case he WOULD have chosen to eliminate, which ended up having the $750,000.

Walked away with $211,000.

The case he had chosen, was #8, and had $750 in it. His parents were in attendence and they broke down crying. Everything had come full circle.

Wow. Just wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my whole family watched that at dinner. mom and dad reminisced about how we came over with less that 30 bucks. it was all pretty sweet =]

-sooleeeeeee =P